Fishing vs. Hunting – 10 Reasons Why Fishing is Better

My uncle is a great fisherman. At least, that is what I initially thought when I was young. Later I learned he was only a fishing enthusiast. Fishing is an activity that many people enjoy. Hunting is another such activity. Regardless, if you are looking at fishing vs. hunting, both give thrill and a fantastic experience to the person concerned.

We are always surrounded by information and infinite entertainment. As such, we have become accustomed to having entertainment served to us on a platter. Hence, once in a while, going outdoors with a couple of friends and letting our free spirit guide is undoubtedly a pleasurable adventure.

Times are changing, and hunting may not always be welcomed as a playful sport than fishing. Hunting for fish has become more popular and just so for all the right reasons. But let’s look at fishing vs. hunting and its differences. Here are ten reasons why fishing is better than hunting.

Fishing vs. Hunting - a fishing rod and reel and a gun and knife

1. Everyone can participate

Young or old, if you have the time, you can always enjoy catching fish. Anyone can toss their fishing hook in the water!

I was only seven when I caught my first fish. It is easy and fun for all age groups. Even if you are not a professional, you can always reel in a fish or two during your expedition.

2. Fishing is a bonding game

Fishing is much more fun if you have friends or family with you. All the members of the family can participate and have a good time together. During my summer breaks, I still remember how I would tag along with my dad and uncle to go fishing. It was not so much about catching a big fish, but more about the outdoor and the whole fishing experience, which was fascinating. Every once in a while, I take my kids out fishing for a father-son bonding time.

3. Fishing is soothing and relaxing

While sports like hunting require you to be alert and on your toes at all times, to fish, you only need a little patience. You can enjoy the peace and relax until you feel something in your hook.

4. A right spot is not difficult to find

You can go fishing in a small area, basically in any weather. We do not necessarily need a private farm or property.

We can take our tools and sit in any public park and have a peaceful self-time. Hunting, on the other hand, requires you to cover a large area looking for your game. You would also need to know your landscape, which is not the case for fishing.

5. Fishing is not as gruesome

Hunting can get bloody and violent, but fishing has a tranquilizing effect. Have you ever found yourself watching someone catch fish and feel quite at peace? I guess you have. Blame our psychology, but fish are not considered cute or adorable. We are just more fine with a fish dying than a deer, rabbit, or even a bird being shot.

Aside from that, if you don’t want to kill a fish, you can always let it go once you get a picture with your catch (I am assuming you are not snagging fish).  It is not the case when you are hunting. Once you shoot it, you are killing it or maiming it for life. It is a strong reason why fishing is better than hunting.

6. Fishing does not have to be expensive

You only need a fishing rod and reel, some bait, and a comfortable chair, and you are good to go. You could also for example tie your own flies. In some parts of the world, people even make their fishing rods using locally available resources like bamboo and a rudimentary fish hook. We do not even need a private pond. Public parks and lakes provide opportunities for fun fishing. If you feel like going into the wild and need a boat, you can borrow it from a friend or even rent it.

7. Fishing for sustainability

The acres of land kept just for seasonal hunting is a waste. We can get a better deal out of it by conserving it and making it a wildlife reserve or maintain in-situ for the sake of the lives of our animals and the environment.

Rearing fish is less expensive, and fish spawn in huge numbers quickly. The fish population would not reduce dramatically as long as we don’t use chemicals in the rivers to catch them.

In parts of the world, people used lime in river water to catch fish. Doing this makes the river water poisonous and kills fish indiscriminately. Proper awareness and government policies have been able to stop the people from using such a method. If people avoid such a technique, the fish population is less likely to be affected.

8. Lower environmental impact

Let’s face it; killing an animal has far more environmental impact than fishing. We either kill animals for fun or meat. However, the cost of killing an animal is much more.

It takes a long dedicated time to rear or preserve the animal species which are already going extinct. On the other hand, pisciculture or fish farming for self and commercial use is relatively easy and healthier.

9. You have more public waters

The problem with hunting is to find a location. There are only private properties. Even if you can find one, during hunting season, most of the places are crowded. Finding a spot for fishing, on the other hand, is less hectic. There are so many public waters where you can spend your day fishing, be it on the shore or on a stand up paddle board, lazily drifting on the water.

10. It is about the suspense

When you feel a bite in your fishing line, you don’t know what fish species you would catch. It is true that based on the season and location, you will be expecting certain types of fish. However, even in a small area, there are different species and varieties of fish you could catch.

Happy Fishing!

Fishing is a great outdoor activity. It doesn’t require much skill, and anyone can get a taste of the entire experience. You can go alone for some peace and quiet to get rejuvenated. Or you can even have your families and friends tag along with you for some great outdoor experience.

Unlike hunting, you will not be running around, feeling stressed and exhausted. The entire fishing trip will leave you relaxed. If you have never tried fishing, it is never too late to give it a go.